"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Sunday 29 August 2010


Riding through the city in a bike all day
‘Cos everyone thinks it’s witty.
Doesn’t make me laugh and they don’t even care
That it’s me that they’re making look silly.
Everyone seems to giggle and laugh
At my head poking over the basket,
To them it’s a hoot but to me it really feels
Like I’m wedged right inside a casket.
I think I might cry, oh why, oh why
Can’t I get out all by myself?
Really seems unfair, oh why, oh why
Can’t they do it to someone else?
I know you enjoy,
Treating me like a toy,
But if you keep this up, boy,
I’ll make such a noise.
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof - woof woof.
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof - woof woof.
The day shall come when you’re riding down the road
And I leap out onto the pavement.
Don’t you say I can’t, I’m practicing the trick,
And one of these days I’ll make it.
Then you’ll be so scared and utterly confused
As I peg it way up the high street.
That’ll serve you right and freedom’ll taste better
Than any of those manky dog treats.
Then you’ll say why, oh why, oh why
Did we treat her just like a puppet?
And I won’t even care ‘cos I’ll be long gone by then,
You silly old human muppet.
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof - woof woof.
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof,
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof - woof woof.


At last I’ve found a protégé,
At last the time has come
For me to pass down all my gifts:
This could be rather fun.

Right, Fluffy, listen close, my dear,
I’ll say this only once,
So écoute, my precious one,
And get this in your bonce:
You’re cute, so sweet, a furry ball,
Make sure you stay as such.
None will e’er say no to you:
Your face will their hearts crush.
Look up, look high, keep those eyes wide
As dinner plates, small friend,
And then their playing with your ears
Will never come to end.
They’ll want to tuck you in their beds
And pop you on the shelf,
They’ll giggle when they see you near
And look after your health.
If you can flip onto your back
So they can scratch your tummy,
That’ll bag you brownie points - 
They think it’s so damn funny.

And once you’ve gained your access
Deep into their human hearts
It’s time to use that noggin, Fluff,
It’s time to play your cards.
You’ll know by then how to unlock
The back and kitchen doors,
And how to open up the safe,
Even on all fours.
You’ve seen the code, you know it well
So, go on, tap it in.
5, 6, 7, 7, 3 and 8,
Good pooch! Fetch that tin!
Fluff-Fluff, pass it over here,
That’s my clever girl.
You are a keeper, that’s for sure,
I’ve taught you oh so well.
And now, let’s scarper, let us scram,
Let’s hop aboard the plane,
I’ve had my eye, for quite some time,
On a condo in south Spain.
We’ll lounge all day beside the pool
With cocktails in our paws,
And no one will ever suspect
Two puppy dogs of fraud.

Un Homage

You’ve been watching me some time, I know,
I see you from afar;
Don’t think that I don’t notice when
You’re crouched behind that car.
Or climbing up my drainpipes before
Resting on the ledge,
Tapping on my window and then
Falling in the hedge.
The first time that I saw you I did think
You were alright,
We had a hoot and I was sad
To return home that night.
We chased the pigeons, ate some treats 
And had a wee or three,
Sniffed some stuff and made some pals
And ran away from leads.
When I was taken home I recall
Thinking “What a shame,
I didn’t get her number,
Didn’t even ask her name.”
Little did I know that I would get to 
Know you well.
(Too well, and that your name - Saffy -
Would come to be a warning knell.)
It started slow, with daisys pinned around
Your little neck.
Un homage, I thought, how flattering!
I rather like this chick.
But then you growled at other hounds who
Came up close to me.
“Saff!” I said, “Do, please, behave!
There’s always room for three.”
Your soft face turned a shade of pink
I’d never seen before,
If we’d been home (not in the park)
You would’ve slammed a door.
Next day you dyed your coat the deepest,
Darkest shade of black.
I only clocked you by the wilting daisy
Drooping round your neck.
I trotted near to ask you what had
Happened to yourself,
Why you’d gone all goth on me
And if you’d lost your mental health.
You turned and tutted, raised a brow
And told me I had changed,
So it was then I understood
That you were quite deranged.
And from that day you’ve staked me round
The depths of London town.
Far down to Brixton, east to Bow
And up to Hackney Downs.
And when I hear that name, Saffroon,
Whistled on the wind
I know you are not far behind
And jump out of my skin.