"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Friday 9 April 2010


No one tells me anything,

No one gives a hoot.

They haul me out of cosy bed

And plop me in the boot.

“Come on, Daisy, off we go,”

They whistle down the stairs.

I’m never told the journey time.

I’m just so unawares

Of where we’re heading, and how long

It takes us to get there -

I’d like to know if I have time

To brush my tangled hair.

They never give me books to read

(And I can’t reach the shelf),
I tried to download MP3’s but

It’s too tough to do myself

(The buttons are so fiddly on

Those dratted small machines),

You’d think they’d shove a toy back here

Or just some magazines.

I get a bowl of water

But I’d really like some tea -

And not that heinous PG Tips!

I’m a Lapsang Souchong girl, you see.

Please leave the bag in longer

Than you would do for yourself;

I have a robust palate, ya,

Plus, tea’s good for my health.

I drink it daily before five,

That’s when I switch to port

Which I have with my cheese and bread,

I do adore Roquefort.

Now, you can tell I’m quite complex,

I’m just no two-bit mutt.

I therefore don’t appreciate you

Treating me as such.

So please, next time you have to drag me

Off inside the car,

Furnish me with info:

Where we’re going, why, and how far.

It’s not too much to ask, I feel,

That I am told some facts.

It’s quite important, don’t you see,

So that I know which friends to text

To let them know I’m on my way

Or that I’ll be back soon.

I may already have lunch plans -

A no-show would just be too rude!

And, next time when you yank me out of bed

Into the car...

But wait, what’s this? Oh, joy of joys!

Oh, Man! We’re at the park!