"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Longing. Or, Ode To An Abandoning Mother.

You left me here, I don’t know why

(Without tear ducts, I cannot cry).

I’m not sure when you will be home

To play with me, to give me bones.
The others are alright, I guess,
But know it’s you I love the best

And when you’re lost, I feel so blue;

I mope around and wait for you.

I sniff the bed where we both lie
And gaze upon the midnight sky

While waiting for our moonlit walk

When you and I have such nice talks.

My food tastes bland, my water dry,

Time never, ever, ever flies.

I’m at a loss for where you’ve gone

Or why you left me on my own.

Since I can’t speak the same as you

I guess there’s little I can do

To find out when you will be back here

To rub my belly, scratch my ear.

The others tell me not to fret,

They treat me kind, they do their best,

They take me on my daily walks

And feed me treats and read me books.

Some days another lady comes
And with her I do have some fun

For she has others just like me -

We play and sniff and bark at trees.

Cat’s still here, we are still pals,

We snooze together in the house

Where we both used to snooze with you.

The Loud One, she now naps here, too.

She’s very good, she does not fuss

When she gets woken up by us;

By late night growling, Cat-on-face,

Hair all over every place.

She’s nice to me, they all four are

(Plus, I don’t miss riding in that car).

But none of them sing me your songs,

When are you home? I hope, not long.

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