"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Tuesday 23 February 2010


They say history repeats itself and, oh, my, how right they were. Like that old bitch of a canine mother did some years ago, now my human mother has abandoned me.

She walked out of the front door almost two weeks ago, leaving me in the questionably capable paws of the remaining members of this family. She proffered neither a forwarding address (postal, email or otherwise) nor a note. Anyway, even if she had left something, I wouldn't've been able to read it, because I'm a bloody dog.

So, in order to prepare for the next time this happens - and, knowing this wonky family, again it shall happen, mark my woof - I have taught myself to read. And to write.

Naturally, with literacy comes great responsibility. I was never one to squander barks, choosing instead to whittle them into something textured, meaningful and complete. So I shall not be one to waste my words, either.

No ball-on-rope chit-chat for me; poetry is my fetching schtick.

See you by the low water fountain,

Daisy: Poet Dog.

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