"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Saturday 28 August 2010

Let Me Go

Stop it, please, don’t pull so tight,
It tweaks my neck, gives me a fright.
Why can’t I trot along instead
Without this loop around my head?
It’s so demeaning, so unfair,
I look so daft, it ruins my hair,
And when we walk along like this
I do not get to stop and sniff.
You leave me in the house all day
So now it is my turn to play.
If I prefer to stroll than pace
You’ll let me, dammit, I won’t race.
It isn’t in my nature, see,
I’m cautious and pernickety.
I like to amble, like to pause
To sit to contemplate the cause
Of all the suff’ring in the world
And how those oysters make their pearls.
Our daily treading of the street
For me, you know, is such a treat.
You lot all sit and quaff your Pimm’s
But I’m dependent on your whims
(Which often seem so very queer).
So now’s my time to guide and steer.
And if I say “Let’s stop and sniff”
You’ll do it, dammit, do it! Sniff!
There, isn’t that a lovely smell?
I think it’s chicken - peas as well.
And over here we have some bins,
Go on, get that schnozzer in.
Below the kerb’s my favourite spot,
Come now, let’s see what we’ve got...
That whiff is Monty, this one’s Paws,
It’s that patch there that Bert adores,
But don’t let’s venture past that tree - 
That’s cat domain, it ain’t for me.
If pooches pad that grassy knoll
The boss cat, Minx, will unleash hell.
She’ll make them mewl and waul all night
You know that dreadful racket, right?
The one that keeps you from your beds
And drills dementia through your heads?
The noise that kills your dreams of slumber
And prevents you from slipping under.
Now, I won’t say in actual words -
Or even in a lengthy verse -
Why I do disclose all of this,
But I’m not one for empty threats.
Let’s just say my tactics are
Beyond your paltry human grasp.
So don’t you tug me, that-a girl,
Take the lead, remove the coil
Of fabric that is far too tight
And you shall then sleep well tonight.

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