"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The Mystery Dog

It follows me, this big dark dog,
Everywhere I go.
He doesn’t smell of anything

Which does annoy me so.

I don’t think he’s a terrier,

(He doesn’t look like me),

His back is round, he has no ears

I wish that I could see

Him better, that he’d just stand up.

He’s always lying on the ground,
That lazy pooch,
Oh, just get up!

He’s never nearby when I wake,

Only when I’m out,

And if it rains (or it is dark),
He hides from me and I have doubts

That he is ever there at all
But then, when the sun shines,

He darts about the park with me

All of the bloody time.

I cannot catch him when I run -
Even if I’m fast -

He’s aways right there next to me

And never running too far past.

I find it rude that he won’t come and

Introduce himself.

I’m very friendly, I won’t bite,

And whenever I say hi myself

He runs about as fast away as I do run
To him,

I’m getting sick of all his games,

God help him, the day that I catch him.

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