"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Saturday 27 February 2010


One day, when I’m bigger than you,

I’ll see how you like being plunged

Into a sinkful of tepid water, held down,

And scrubbed until you’re pink.

One day, when I’m bigger than you,

I’ll see how you like being splashed

And flannelled with bubbly soap that
Makes you itch and smells funny.

One day, when I’m bigger than you,

I’ll see how you like having your toes
So close to the plughole when I let the water
Out. See if you'll get sucked down, too.

One day, when I’m bigger than you,

I’ll hoist you out of the sink,

Plop you on the floor and laugh and laugh as you run about,

Naked and embarrassed, shaking yourself dry.

I do hope one day comes soon, it seems to be taking


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