"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Newspaper Dog

his morning, trotting to the park,

We detoured past the kiosk.

From way up high there came a bark

I knew canine was near us!

I couldn’t see (I’m one foot tall)
But I could smell some fur,

So shuffled back - tried not to fall -

And guess, just guess at what I saw?

A giant dog of shaggy grey

Sat just in front of Heat.

He was so tall (I have to say,

He might’ve had a seat).

I struck up chat and asked him what
He liked to read himself,

He pointed at The Guardian

Then plucked one off the shelf

And rifled through and mentioned that

He was a vocal lefty.

He asked me if I’d take one but

I said it was too hefty.

I asked why if he felt so left

He sat on Pete’s right hand,

He barked something about

Having more room on that side

But to be honest, by then, my

Neck was strained

From craning up at him

So I just left him to it.

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