"I will not let the texture of my fur and the number of my legs dictate whether or not I can write poetry."
- Daisy, Feb 2010

Saturday 17 April 2010


I wonder why the world is round, I wonder why sky’s blue,

I wonder why I know when someone’s cooking chicken stew.

I’d like to know the reason for the postman coming to knock,

Or why I’m fond of chewing nice clean pants and bright white socks.

I wonder where they go when they say “Bye, Daisy! Be back soon!”

And why I get a walk at 9am, and one at noon.

I don’t know why I find it hard to tread the basement stairs,

Or why it is my eyes and ears and nostrils come in pairs.

I like the piano playing but I hate it when they shout,
I wonder why I’m edgy when there’s no one in the house.
I can bear the sound of boiling water and of popping toast,

But if the front doorbell should ring, I lose my freaking loaf.

I don’t mind little people - no, I simply find them odd -

But do I ever hate tall men and their big wiry bods.

The dog next door’s a terror but I really love our cat,

We sit and watch the world revolve, on our front door mat.

I’m curious about so very many splendid things,

Like what on earth a telephone is, and why the hell it rings.

And why I have to wee outside, even when it’s cold,

And why I have to ‘sit’ and ‘lie down’. Man, that’s getting old.

It’s strange that no one’s thought to ask me for my own opinion,

I’d rather like to have a glass of red and a discussion

About the wondrous things in life and why it’s all so funny,

But just right now I’d like someone to come and scratch my tummy.

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